Would it be weird if I bought my boss cough drops?

I've barely been working a month at my job and he's been sick for a week. He coughs up a storm at work and I was thinking in buying him cough drops though I don't know if he's already taking them or he could be against taking them I'm not sure. I don't know anything about him. I want to do something nice for him, but I don't want to overstep and do anything inappropriate. Would that be inappropriate if I bought him a small bag of cough drops or would that be rude? Or should I buy him something else instead that's good for a head cold? I'm not doing it to suck up I am genuinely concerned and he seems like the type of guy that never misses work even if he's extremely sick. I'm just looking to help him out. What do you think?

Would it be weird if I bought my boss cough drops?
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