How do you reply to friends that make it about them?


I haven't talked to this one friend for like two or maybe almost three weeks. He asked what's new throughout all this time. by the way I also asked him what's new with him and what has happened in his life all this time.

I answered him by telling him all the stuff going on with me. I told him like five paragraphs worth of stuff. He didn't even reply to any of the stuff I told him about. The only thing he replied to was when I asked if he struggled with gaining/losing weight.

He started talking about how he used to have abs easily and now he has a hard time keeping weight off. I'm not trying to be self-centered, please call me out if I am being self-centered. But I don't understand why he asked me to tell him everything that happened if he's not even going to acknowledge it and comment about it.

He ended up just talking about himself. I didn't reply to what he said about having abs and all that. I was giving him time to send more messages if he planned on it. That was five days ago and it's apparent that, that's all he plans on saying. I find it annoying.

Would you find that annoying? Should I just reply to him and be the one to acknowledge whatever he's talking about even though he literally didn't say anything about the stuff I talked about. I don't know if I am being petty or whatever.

Another thing. I remember showing him like three songs I really like. And he never listened to them or even said anything about them. That pissed me off for some reason.

I told him twice, "When you listen to them, please let me know what you think of them." And he would say ok. And he never listened to them. In my mind I'm like bro you showed me a song and I listened to it.

I even liked it and added it to my playlist... But he can even just do that. I'm extremely annoyed. by the way we are just friends. I'm questioning what kind of friends we are though he's been acting selfish I feel like. But please call me out if I'm being too sensitive.

How do you reply to friends that make it about them?
2 Opinion