Why do so many men pretend to be friends with a girl just cause they want a chance to be with her ?

This has happened to me so many times, I’ve only had a handful of males who I’m friends with that don’t pull this sort of crap where I’ll think they are just wanting to be my friend but they actually just want to be in a relationship with me and it’s super frustrating especially when at the beginning I set a boundary and tell them I’m currently not looking for any type of romantic relationship with anyone because I’m not in the right place emotionally?

And the second they start realizing I’m not reciprocating the romantic advances they say I’m “friend zoning” them and ghost me. I already struggle with low self esteem so when this type of thing happens to me constantly it just makes me feel like I’m not an interesting person that someone would care about outside of my appearance
Why do so many men pretend to be friends with a girl just cause they want a chance to be with her ?
Why do so many men pretend to be friends with a girl just cause they want a chance to be with her ?
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