Friendly or interested?

Hi I’m 28F with ASD (autism spectrum disorder). I recently started to talk to a guy at the gym. He seems like a decent person from what I know. Social cues are hard for me.

Lately I’ve been talking to this guy more often (1-2 times a week at the gym). I see a potential connection and I do have a crush on him (nothing major, but I find him handsome and he seems genuine).

Over the past few weeks he’s talked to me more and he comes across as direct, I don’t talk to many guys (I’ve had some short term relationships and enough dating scenarios that could become a sitcom manuscript).

With that being said I observe that he:
Tries to be in the same vicinity when we work out at the same class time.

The other day he asked me what time I usually come to the gym and I told him. When I went to sign in I noticed his name on the screen for the class but he couldn’t make it.

I caught him smiling at me the other night and wanting to talk to me for a little while.

He tries to sit near me in the group discussion after working out, if another friend isn’t sitting next to me. If so he still seems to find a spot near me.

it’s soon to know and I think I’ll have to see where it goes, I’m just looking to see if others have an idea on what cues I miss in general (sometimes I don’t notice if a guy is even flirting with me in previous situations OR I’ll think they like me when they’re only being friendly). I’m staying neutral here as I know that I have a small crush on him, but I know that doesn’t mean it’s reciprocated.
Friendly or interested?
7 Opinion