Am I overreacting about what he did?


About a year ago my boyfriend did something that apparently I haven’t been able to get over. It was the night of his birthday, I had planned a surprise party at our place and then we went out to the bars with all of his friends afterwards. This was my first time going out to bars with my boyfriend and unfortunately it was my last. I had never seen him get super drunk but I wanted him to feel free to because it was his birthday and he did, he got really drunk and the more drunk that he got the more aggressive he became, I can’t remember why but at one point towards the end of the night me and him end up splitting from the rest of the group, and then things took a turn. We were trying to find his car and in the midst he became increasingly frustrated and angry with me because I knew the way to the car but he insisted it was another way, to the point where he starts yelling at me and pushing me. At this point a firefighter at a station nearby hears him yelling at me in the street and ask me if I’m okay rightfully so. This sent him into a rage where he further yells and threatens to leave me where I’m at and he walks away from me at this point I’m crying but i catch up to him and then we catch up to the group. A couple of the girls ask why I was crying and he starts laughing in my face and making fun of me and calling me a joke. He said that he doesn’t remember any of this and it’s not fair to be mad at him because of something he doesn’t remember doing so I tried to drop it but ever since then I haven’t felt that safe around him and I don’t have the same trust in him. If he were angry towards everybody that night maybe it would’ve been different but It was just me and he was super nice to everyone else which makes it hurt worse. I get that everyone is different but I feel like I would never act that way towards someone I love drunk or not. Am I overreacting to feel so hurt by this? should I just let it go?

Am I overreacting about what he did?
5 Opinion