Why male coworker asks me (male) if I feel like a hero when I help a female coworker?


Examples of ways I have helped: (1) Remove a large insect near her cubicle (2) Help to remove a work-related item of hers that fell into equipment. Male coworker has also said something along the lines of "[my name] can give you CPR" to her at her cubicle. I imagine she sees this as harassment, but I am confused because she is quite close to that coworker, even after that incident happened. I tried to defuse incident by saying something along the lines of "I don't know CPR" (our cubicles are next to each other). Was he just trying to playfully annoy her (since she doesn't like me, but they think I like her)?

I know she doesn't like me, because she seems to avoid me, and she has said mean things to me...

Why male coworker asks me (male) if I feel like a hero when I help a female coworker?
2 Opinion