Am I being played or has he never loved someone before?


Well, a little over a month ago he told me “I made it too damn impossible for him not to fall in love with me” ok, we’ve been going on for about 6 months. I’ve not met any of his people. None of them. He has met mine. We talk everyday. I’ve not met his kids yet he always says one day I will or he’s sure I will. He’s never had a good relationship before. His ex wife was a narcissist which my ex was too. I asked him a couple days ago if he felt the same way he did before and he asked me why do I do that? And I proceeded to tell him that I just wanted reassurance bc he doesn’t like talking about his feelings. One night out of the blue he told me he was thinking and what if we did end up doing this what would we do about the kids and school. He would want me to move in with him and my job. I told him we would figure it out if we got to that point. He always tells me good morning and goodnight and he’s sweet, I just, I don't know if he’s playing me or if he’s just being super slow and steady, he says that a lot too, slow and steady wins the race. He drove all the way here once which is about an hour one night just to come to my work to give me a hug. Am I being paranoid? He’s always rubbing on me and hugs me so good when we see each other. When we’re together I’ll catch him looking at me then he’ll look away. I don't know. Does he just know how to play me or do you think he’s just taking his time to be sure of me?

Am I being played or has he never loved someone before?
3 Opinion