Mental Illnesses Are No Joke

Mental Illnesses Are No Joke

I myself have struggled with mental issues and depression. I also have a lot of family members who suffer from mental problems and so I wanted to make a take on how to deal with it and why we should start taking mental health seriously. Not just those with a mental illness, but all of us. We all need to give as much care as we give to our physical health, to our mental health as well.

1. Lots of mental illnesses defy logic

What i mean by that, is for example if someone has body dysmorphia yet they have the perfect body and 1 million people tell this person in detail, even logically speaking showing them actual scientific evidence that their thoughts are wrong and they are in fact perfect, this person still won't believe you.

Why? Because what a mental illness does is warps how you see reality a bit, especially in terms of how you see yourself.

So what can be done? hearing them out, offering support, trying your best to challenge their mentality in a way that they would actually believe. Not all mentally ill people are clueless though. A good portion know that they have a mental illness, they just struggle to live with it. However, self awareness is a great step towards coping with it and it is important that a person knows they have a problem instead of ignoring it, which brings me to my next point.

2. Never treat a mentally ill individual as if they have nothing

Please, do not say shit like 'you are fine just get over it' 'nah you are imagining things don't be an idiot' 'depression is all in your mind be happy' Yeah don't be a dumbass, just because you personally don't understand what that person is going through doesn't mean they are going through nothing. And never tell a mentally ill person they are fine. I'm not saying you have to make them feel abnormal, it's not a taboo to have a problem. But don't act as if they don't struggle with anything just because you don't want to get involved.

3. Don't run away from a mentally ill person just because of that

Unless they are causing you severe damage and you cannot be there for them, don't run away just because someone confided in you saying they have a mental issue. I see many people doing this and I must say that is a major dick move. That doesn't help anybody. I mean sure, go ahead and be friends with whomever you want that is your right. But I find it a bit wrong to not be friends with someone just because you consider a mental illness a bad thing. I know that friendships need to be mutually beneficial, but no one ever said a person with a mental illness is any less of a person unless harm is caused.

4. Stop making it seem like a taboo

I had a time in my life where I was severely depressed and suicidal. I refused help at first because I didn't want to feel like I was 'crazy' or that there was something wrong with me. That in itself should never occur in someone's head. A person should be able to feel comfortable in getting help for their problems. I know the world isn't going to change and I accept that , but you reading this can change your mentality if you are one who thinks this way. I won't lie, do I still hide the fact that i struggle with depression? Yes. But I am more accepting that I needed help and I got help and I will continue to do so. Actually bottling it up NEVER helps and only makes you seek out destructive habits and your way of thinking becomes very different from what is actually true.

However to get better from a mental issue, I think you have to accept that you have a problem first. It isn't a huge deal. We all have problems. There is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting you have issues and working on them.

What is wrong is people shaming others and creating a stigma around mental health until we end up with so many mentally ill individuals and at that point the person could end up at a point of no return.

I hope this take helps.

Mental Illnesses Are No Joke
Post Opinion