What do I do for my auto injury, if there is a wait list to be seen by my doctor?

I was involved in a 10 car pile up 2 days ago. No one was seriously injured, but the following day I noticed pain in my shoulder and went to my PCP. She tole me I likely tore my rotator cuff.

Since it was related to an auto accident, only certain doctors will see me. My issue is, my arm is hurting more and more and becomming less mobile... and the soonest I can see a doctor is in 3 weeks.

They said I must go through my car insurance and can't just use my regular coverage, and that is why only certain doctors will deal with me.

I'm not sure what to do. I need an orthopedist to assess me right away to make sure it's not more seroius and I have no idea if waiting 3 weeks is okay or not.

Does anyone have experience with this? I don't know what to do. Urgent Care will not do anything beyond what my PCP already did... and will likely send me to the ER. Should I just go to the ER or will that derail what needs to be done with an orthopedist?
What do I do for my auto injury, if there is a wait list to be seen by my doctor?
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