Why are my breasts sagging at 15?

I am 15 almost 16 and I have tiny breasts. I've never been overweight or underweight, I haven't had a rapid weith loss or weight gain, I've always been a healthy weight, but my small breasts are sagging and I AM 16! I also have stretchmarks on them. How are they sagging at my age and when they are so small? I don't understnad. Literally my 12 year old sister has bigger breasts than me and they are much better than mine in all categories. I am cursed. I have an ugly face, I look older than my age, I have small, saggy, tiny breasts covered in stretchmarks, I have no womanly figure, I have broad shoulders, man I am not the best looking.

Anyways, how can I fix this? And why is this happening?

Why are my breasts sagging at 15?
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