Any diet/health tips?

I'm 31D - 27,5 -37,5 which would equal US size 6 or sometimes 4 if you like it a bit tighter

I'm not quite sure where you measure your chest, I measured under my boobs if I actually measure around them it's 38

People say size 6 is a good size but I don't know when I look at myself naked I just think eww.

My boobs are fairly big so obviously a bit saggy and I absolutely hate it.I just don't like my body at. I currently losing weight so I hope it will get better.

But I'm already eating very healthy, I work out a lot, I have nice skin and I'm fairly tone. I don't have a six pack but I do have quite a bit of ab definition (still quite some fat above it but you can def see my obliques) I can't change my boobs without surgery and I can't afford that while in college.So what else is there?

Any diet/health tips?
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