Diet plan for an office job?

It sounds so stupid.

I finally got a new job! I got off shift work! Despite being pretty unhappy (never seeing anyone, all my friends are on shift work still) I can't help but notice I'm gaining weight.

I've gone from spending 10 hours a day jogging around to do nothing.

I walk to and from my car which totals 20 minutes in walking.

I'm going to the gym still, doing an hour and a half workout.

I'm eating less, I'm eating 2 meals or less.

And I'm still gaining weight.

I watch other people constantly go to the vending machine for crisps, chocolate, everything and they are so skinny. How?!?!

Can anyone help me? I can't be the only one who's had this problem. How do you stop the weight gain?
Diet plan for an office job?
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