Personally how long do you mean when you say "I'll BRB!"?

Personally how long do you mean when you say "I'll BRB!"?
Definitions on Urban Dictionary :

Definition Number (1) brb :-
"Be right back." No longer taken literally, people just say it when they are going to be gone for any amount of time, whether it be 20 seconds or 20 minutes.

Definition Number (2) brb :-
Short for brb, which some people use literally, and are gone anywhere from 3 seconds to 5 minutes. Some people, however, use it much more loosely, and will be gone for hours on end, and usually come back making a truly shitty excuse for why they were gone so long. Used mainly in IM conversations.
3 seconds to 5 minutes.
5 minutes to 15 minutes.
15 minutes to 1 hour.
More than 2 hours.
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Personally how long do you mean when you say "I'll BRB!"?
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