Does he really mean what he says when we argue? Do I overreact too much? Does what I say sometimes actually upset him? HELP?

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for about a year now and we live together. When we are good we are GOOOOOD I mean absolutely in love happy laughing doing amazing things making memories and our friends are inspired by our love for each other. I mean he is really a great guy but there are some issues.. probably mostly with me..

I am insecure.. like out of this world insecure and no matter how much he tells me he thinks im beautiful he loves my body he loves me and everything about me I don't believe him.. and even getting hit on by strangers all my life and being asked out randomly and being told multiple times im the best looking of all my friends when we go out has ever given me confidence. And my last relationship, BAD BAD BAD. So I have trust issues too. Usually we argue over social media, or when some type of "scenario" pops into my head and I make myself believe its actually happening. So I get mad and I confront him. The first couple times he was very concerned that I thought things that weren't true or bad about him... now he just gets mad immediately and shuts down.

This morning we got into it bad. Over instagram.. of course. I had a dream he deleted all of our pictures together. So I went to go look and accidently unfollowed him because I was still half asleep and rushing to see if it was true. when I told him about it he went off. He said that he was done with me, I play too many games, I over-react over the littlest things, I should probably just leave and then something I don't get... "sometimes people learn the hard way." WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I have a lot more to say that won't fit in here but this is probably the 20th+ time we have argued over social media.. we even deleted our FBs because of it..

So basically... I just want to know if guys say those things to scare their gfs or if he really means it? And should I stop texting/calling until he calls me?

by the way I am 20 and he is 25, almost 26.
Does he really mean what he says when we argue? Do I overreact too much? Does what I say sometimes actually upset him? HELP?
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