Harvard's three question compatibility test. Awesome or full of it?

Apparently, if you answer all three questions the same, you stand a hugely bigger chance of being happy together long term. It's about how you deal with negativity and if you're in synch, so the logic goes, you'll be able to deal with the crap life throws at you just fine. Anyway, without further ado, I give you the big 3 of romantic compatibility:

1. "Do you like horror movies?"
2. "Have you ever traveled around another country alone?" and
3. "Wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sailboat?"

My answers are No, Yes, Yes. If you're the same, and a girl, let me know. :-)
+1 y
I guess I'll change my answer for question 1 to "sometimes". There are some pretty awesome horror flicks out there.
Harvard's three question compatibility test. Awesome or full of it?
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