"men are so fucking weird" I broke my boyfriend's Xbox and he slapped me on the face because of it. What should I do now?

I did it because he was playing like 8 hours every day without even talking to me so I felt like I'm really invisible when I'm with him! We live together so i did it when he was out and when he comes back he finds out that I turn it into pieces and we had a huge fight because of something stupid that day and he slapped me on the face and went out. After a couple days he apologized to me and we had sex and after we slept together he was like "I'm still mad at you and that was a mistake" not going to talk to you till you buy me another one.
you owe him a new Xbox
you owe him a money
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I talked to him before many times and I asked him to change or at least I changed myself for him. I was playing with him sometimes or I sit next to him until fall asleep but he gives him Xbox more attention than me. I'm not selfish! Just because you are weird enough to defend anyone like you it doesn't mean you're right
"men are so fucking weird" I broke my boyfriend's Xbox and he slapped me on the face because of it. What should I do now?
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