I've been led on by a guy. Now what? (I could really use help)

This guy has been on the fence for about a month now, wavering back and forth between seeming really interested and not interested at all.

Basically I've talked it over with a few friends of mine, and the conclusion was that I was making myself too available to him, rendering him able to come a go as he pleases (i.e. I'd ask to hang out, I'd start the conversations). Guys like a chase and I wasn't giving much to chase after since I was always there.

I feel angry, gypped, and cheated. I know it's my fault, but I feel very hurt that 1) I was weak and silly to go after a guy like that and 2) that I put myself out there and didn't get what I wanted.

I go back and forth between anger and sadness, and I just want to be okay again... Any advice?

BTW: I've deleted him from my phone, and virtually from my Facebook, and I don't plan to talk to him unless talked to. We do have mutual friends so I will inevitably see him again too... eeek =/

I've been led on by a guy. Now what? (I could really use help)
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