Should I continue the relationship?

My current boyfriend of only 2 months has recently told me he got a job out of state. I tried to be understanding since he provides for his mom and siblings and it was hard for him to find a good paying job and how that he has, Im struggling to be happy for him without feeling sad for myself. I know it’s only been 2 months but I’m scared of what’s to come if we do the long distance relationship, I want to try but I’m scared that every time he texts me it’ll be to let me know it’s not working out and we should end things. He talked about how he’ll make good money and have good benefits and how he wants to buy a house for us and to support me so I can focus on school but I’m still trying figuring out what it is I want from a college education and I don’t even have the answer to that. When I look at him, I do see a future and I see myself happy and in love but again it’s only been 2 months….
Should I continue the relationship?
5 Opinion