Is your primary (first) language the main language of the place where you now live?

OlderAndWiser u
Is your primary (first) language the main language of the place where you now live?
If you answered D, please tell me in a comment how much of your time is involved talking to other people who speak your primary language.

I am living with my girlfriend who came to the US from China in 1992. I do not speak Mandarin or any of the regional Chinese languages. EVERY night, Ms. Helen is on the phone talking with friends in Mandarin, and there are only three things I know in Mandarin:

1. Nǐ hǎo (hello),
2. Wǒ ài nǐ (I love you), and
3. Nǐ fēngle ma? (Have you lost your mind?)

so I don't understand any part of the conversation after they say "hello!" This constant barrage of Mandarin jibberjabber with her friends is taxing on me!
I still live in the country where I was born and my first language is the main language where I live
I still live in the country where I was born but my first language is NOT the main language where I live
I no longer live in the country where I was born but my first language is the main language of the country where I now live
I no longer live in the country where I was born and my first language is NOT the main language of the country where I now live
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Is your primary (first) language the main language of the place where you now live?
52 Opinion