Am I wrong for feeling uncomfortable that an “ugly” guy likes me?

I can be quite shallow and superficial but there’s lots of context.
I work at a restaurant as a waitress. In itself the work place is pretty toxic, but there’s good money. The kitchen staff (all men) usually talk shit about the waitresses (mostly women) and criticize our work and physical appearance, but of course not to our face. I don’t mean to look down on people but I’m only working this job because I’m trying to pay for my very expensive masters degree (already went to university and have a bachelors).
Ever since I started this job and I noticed how things work I’ve been careful to be polite with others but definitely not trying to befriend them, trying not to overshare or even share much about my personal life. (And I can tell that the kitchen staff looks at me as snobbish because I don’t “mix” with them).
But there’s a new guy training to join the kitchen staff. He’s pretty unattractive, not that it matters because he’s just my coworker. But he told another cooker (the most gossipy and nosy of all) that he thinks I’m very pretty and that he likes me and that he’s gonna “shoot his shot”. I don’t mind that he likes me even though I’m so not interested. But it makes me so uncomfortable that he’s talking about me to staff members and putting me in a position that I don’t want to be in. And so far I had not given any reason for this men to gossip about me and I feel so annoyed that this is a stupid fucking thing that I know they are going to tease me with, because the guy that likes me is visibly unattractive, and I dare say I’m really out of his league. And to be fair his physical appearance is not the only reason I would never be interested, I can tell he comes from a different social circle than mine, and also he’s uneducated (and for me that’s just unacceptable in my preferences for a partner, because I’m attracted to people that match my intelectual and academic level). So am I wrong for being annoyed at the situation?
Am I wrong for feeling uncomfortable that an “ugly” guy likes me?
13 Opinion