Is my boyfriend an asshole, and should I leave him? Would love opinions on him as a person based on this?

I was at bass pro shop with my boyfriend getting some fishing gear. we were at the counter starting ringing us up, and the cashier asked if we wanted to get a warranty on the reels. My boyfriend said yes, and I asked "do we really need the warranty?" After we got checked out, and began walking away I realized that he wasn't responding to me, just straight up giving me silent treatment. when I said "why are you ignoring me?" he continued ignoring me, advancing ahead of me. He wouldn't talk to me so I tried to gently grab his arm or tap him while saying, "babe what did I do? please talk to me" all the while he looked filled with hatred /rage, completely avoiding eye contact. I tried again, "babe please talk to me" and tried to gently grab onto his arm again (in a non aggressive, trying to link arms softly/get his attention sort of way) and then he lost it and loudly said "HELP! somebody, help! this person is pulling my arm!" this person. As if I am some random fucking stranger, and not his girlfriend.

The second we got outside he yelled "I told you to never fucking question me. You're disgusting." this is moments after he told me to 'stop touching/talking to him and causing a scene'. When we got in the car, he screamed "I TOLD YOU TO NEVER FUCKING QUESTION ME WHY DID YOU QUESTION ME IN FRONT OF THAT GUY YOU PROBABLY LIKE HIM YOU PROBABLY THOUGHT HE WAS HOT YOU MADE ME LOOK BAD IN FRONT OF THAT GUY, LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM DOING" I can see how me asking him if we really need the warranty could have been seen as correcting him in front of someone and I dont think it's nice to correct your partner in front of someone at all but it genuinely was not my intent so despite my saying sorry for correcting him I was not trying to do that, trying to explain that I was just trying to be sweet and save us money, apologizing to him--he continued screaming at me, slamming on his brakes in the lot suddenly in order to tell me that I fucked up.
1 y
Just a heads up, I am not on the lease with him and have my room at my mom's house to go back to whenever I want where I was living up until I moved in w him a week ago (it is 400 miles away in socal but I have the liberty and cash to leave at any given second while he is at work and have been strongly considering it, but his past gaslighting has brought me to a point where he makes me feel like this shit is my fault.
Is my boyfriend an asshole, and should I leave him? Would love opinions on him as a person based on this?
Post Opinion