Why do I constantly feel so insecure all the time?

I’ve always been self conscious. My whole life I’ve had social anxiety and have always worried about what others think of me. However, lately my body dysmorphia has really had me struggling. I hate my body, even though I’m 18 years old, 130 pounds, & 5’8 (which is normal for my age & height) I always “feel fat” I wish my thighs didn’t touch, I’ve always been extremely self conscious about my legs. My boyfriend knows that and always assures me that he finds them very attractive, but no matter what he says I still hate myself. Almost every night when I’m in bed going to sleep with my boyfriend, I just cry because all I’m constantly thinking about is my body & how I always feel so ugly. I’ve gained about 6-8 ish pounds since over a year ago. Obviously I still look pretty similar anyway but I can’t stop picking myself apart. I think I just recently became more insecure as well because I’ve only been in my current relationship for 2 months so far. I’m still constantly overthinking about what my boyfriend thinks of me & what I look like even though he calls me beautiful every day and always tells me how hot I am. He’s really skinny, which also makes me more insecure because he's the skinniest guy I’ve ever been with, so it makes me feel even more insecure when I’m around him even though he loves me. I’m honestly just tired of hating my body, never feeling skinny enough, always picking myself apart. It’s honestly so draining and these thoughts swallow me every day.
Why do I constantly feel so insecure all the time?
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