In relationships, does "damaged attract damaged" and "healthy attract healthy"?

I think everyone is a little bit "broken" in some way or another, and definitely some more than others.
I think in my own experience I've not only seemed to attract broken men into my life, but it almost seems like I sought them out, on an unconscious level.. Like I want to try and "fix" them, or like I can help them, whilst they supposedly help me?

But this isn't always the case, this can be a recipe for disaster.. 💯
You can help one another along, thinking because you're both hurting or that you're in similar, yet different predicaments that you're able to sympathise and hold each other close.. but if you're not healing yourself, or have gotten enough support for your own issues first.. Then how are you meant to support someone else to the best of your ability? 🤔

Like wise, when it comes to healthy relationships, does this mean that you are able to rely on this person when something DOES eventually go wrong, not knowing what to expect because you were in a good head space to begin with? 🤔
In relationships, does damaged attract damaged and healthy attract healthy?
Yes, this is true - explain why.. ❤️
No, this isn't true - explain why 👍
Other - explain why 😊
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In relationships, does "damaged attract damaged" and "healthy attract healthy"?
49 Opinion