- 1 y
Depends. Are we talking just in general or situational? Cause if it's in general then absolutely not. Situational os different. If I did something to cause him doubt, that's one me to earn his trust back.
10 Reply
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976 opinions shared on Relationships topic. not if they don't even give a reason why they can't trust me
10 Reply
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- u1 y
My ex-wife periodically suggested that I was having an affair with someone else, and it was ludicrous. She knew where I worked, I never refused her phone calls, I came home directly from work, and never went anywhere without her. I never cheated on her and I eventually began wondering if she had the desire to cheat and was projecting that onto me.
50 Reply Would depend on what he doesn't trust you about.
A lot of women will say the man doesn't trust them, and use it as an excuse to do some stupid shit. Well if he doesn't trust you to go hang out with your ex-boyfriend alone, well that just makes him a normal man. It's not a matter of trust, it's a matter of you not respecting his boundaries, and trying to turn it around on him.
I don't believe women for a minute when they say shit like this, because I've dated enough to know when they are doing shady shit.
10 Replyum no its a lost cause because if you can't trust someone in a relashionship all ure head is going to do is mess with you are they telling the truth are they not thats why i there was no point in me getting back with my ex he lied to me and cheated on me for 2 years of the 3 years i was wuth him now if i got back with him sometimes my head would be spinning thinking is he lying is he not and u ask him he gives u a answer nd you would say in your brain but is that true nd fk with ure head a can't beileve a word ma svummy lying ex said again
10 Reply- 1 y
Yes as long as they dont state it every day/week/month. If you don’t trust me, then don’t trust me in silence. If you’re asking me where I am, who I’ve been talking to or wanting to go through my phone then you’re doing too damn much and we just shouldn't be together. I’ll never trust anyone 100% bt i trust everyone 99% from the get go and all they can do is maintain it or lose it bit by bit. Whomever I date shouldn't be further complicating things
10 Reply 10.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. She trust me if she didn’t for example. All she has to do is call my phone at any given time it’s ok and FaceTime me and I’ll show her as soon as I pick up the phone instantly that there’s nobody in my direction that I’m talking to because somebody can’t run away that fast in one or two seconds especially when you’re busy and that’s proof in the pudding right there and she will see exactly where I’m located calling me as well
10 Reply- 1 y
You can but the question would be how long would the relationship last, trust is one of the pieces of the foundation of a relationship, you wouldn't build a house on a incomplete foundation would ya.
20 Reply No
I don't have time or energy to waste anymore on anyone or anything that holds me unjustly to my past after I've made attempts to correct my behavior and reconcile myself.
10 Reply- 1 y
Well according to me, their are 3 major thing in the relationship,
1. Trust
2. Mutual respect
3. Love
If anyone of them is missing, the relationship dont really work that well.
20 Reply 586 opinions shared on Relationships topic. At beginning lack of trust is acceptable but after few months I would consider this as paranoia
10 ReplyNot in a healthy relationship. I would rather breakup than be in a relation with someone that doesn't trust me, or I can't trust. Some people reach to that point, only not to feel alone, despite don't having the trust for their partners.
10 Reply5K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Me personally? Nope! I wouldn't even want to be. Because that's bad for both of you.
But I'm realistic to know that people do it anyway everyday.
10 Reply- 1 y
I know enough not to trust someone who doesn't trust me.
10 Reply - 1 y
Nope. What’s the point of being in a relationship if there is no trust...
10 Reply - 1 y
Probably not because most people throw out constant accusations if they don't trust..
10 Reply Having no trust is going to strain the relationship and it’ll make you feel like you literally can’t do anything. So no, I wouldn’t.
20 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yes, trust is built slowly over time. So there isn't much trust in the beginning of a relationship. Though if it is later in the relationship it becomes a problem if they still don't trust you.
10 Reply6.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Anyone with trust issues deserves to be alone, forever.
10 Reply- 1 y
Not unless you want the relationship to inevitably fail. Go ahead
10 Reply 583 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nope. Without trust there's nothing real or serious.
10 Reply400 opinions shared on Relationships topic. I wouldn't cause you would always be questioned no matter what.
10 ReplyIf its in the early stage sure.
If its been 5 years then its a reason for concern.
10 Reply- 1 y
Nope. And I won't be in a relationship with a girl I do not trust, either.
10 Reply - 1 y
Not at all. That tends to lead to very unhealthy situations
10 Reply - 1 y
No.. unfortunately without trust a relationship of any kind doesn’t work..
10 Reply - 1 y
You are female, which is a major reason not to trust you.
10 Reply Trust is one of the biggest factors. It is needed.
10 Reply- 1 y
No. It’s basically non existent at this point
10 Reply - 1 y
Absolutely not.. trust plays a big part
20 Reply - 1 y
Not at all. That's the reason why my recent split.
10 Reply 3.6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nope
10 Reply1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nope.
10 Reply- 1 y
10 Reply - 1 y
No, of course not.
10 Reply
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