Boyfriend and family advice?


boyfriend has told me about his family but up until recently I haven't met but one of them.. and I've met a small number of his closest friends. That's fine. Except now I've met more family and they seem to really like me and one in particular has invited me to a lot of family orientated functions. Something obviously I've been left out of so far. Two things. 1- Family is so important to me and he has known this. It makes me sad to see a glimpse of everything I've ever wanted knowing this isn't real. It's for the time being while they are here because he doesn't want this dynamic. If it wasn't for them coming to town and him wanting them to save money/show off i probably would have never met them. They are genuinely great and kind hearted people that like similar things as me too. 2- how do I navigate this situation so I don't lie to them about me attending these events but also not put their family out there that they just dont want me in their life to that extent? Add Poll: Should I go to these things or not?

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Boyfriend and family advice?
1 Opinion