AITA for not wanting my partners family over all the time?


I've (25f) had my partner (31m) family over, for the past month, i haven't had a weekend at home by myself, i dont mind people visiting. But i work 2 jobs, on top of that i maintain our house (i share with my partner) my parents live 30 minutes away and my brother is 20 minutes away. I ask them over, but on rare occasions. My partner on the other-hand invites his siblings, their partners and their children and his parents over EVERY weekend. I have begged him for a weekend by ourselves, doing our things. He says “yes”, then when Friday hits, im babysitting his nephews or cleaning up beer bottles and rubbish they make. My friends keep telling me that i need a holiday, but my “holiday house” is my grandmas, but she is away on holidays herself.

i throw out hints for them to leave, like saying that its late and we work the next day or i sit inside (i know its rude) and play my video games or read my books or other things i want to do. Im stressed to the max and keep telling him that i just want a quiet weekend in, where his sisters aren't visiting and im babysitting or they dont bring their dogs that try to attack my cats through my back and front doors. Am i wrong for telling him to stop inviting people over? I really dont mind people coming over, but every weekend is kind of a joke right now

AITA for not wanting my partners family over all the time?
3 Opinion