My bfs mom always welcomes me to family gatherings and she pays for my food, so why did she say I couldn’t go on vacation with her and her son?


My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now and it’s a serious committed relationship…. overall we hve a happy/ healthy relationship and I’ve met his entire family and his parents are always very welcoming and warm towards me - especially his mom.

His folks got a vacation house in the USA and I asked my bfs mom if I could come along with her son ( I have a valid passport and was going to pay my own air fare). His mom told me “not this time” cuz she’s still busy furnishing the house and she’s also very busy work-wise this time of the year and she’s also not inviting any of her friends either….

why would his mom say “no” to me if I’m always welcome to family gatherings and if she likes me so much and sees how happy I make her son?

Personal reasons - not liking me
Being busy/ wanting alone time with her son
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3 mo
My boyfriend kept asking me to go get a passport form a year ago so that I would be able to come with him, but his mom told me no….
3 mo
Should I take this personally?
My bfs mom always welcomes me to family gatherings and she pays for my food, so why did she say I couldn’t go on vacation with her and her son?
8 Opinion