Misogynists and Misandrists: Why they exist and my response to them


I've been wanting to write about this for a while but an Anonymous user whom I keep seeing quite often has pushed me over the edge so I felt the need to address this issue. He blocked me before I could respond to his bs. You can check out the question here.

I don't know why but the system is automatically putting the myTake under Sexual Behaviour instead of Society and Culture.

For those of you wondering when part 2 for the myTake about Russia is coming out, it will be in a while since I am quite busy at the moment in university so I will be writing a few less time consuming myTakes every now and then.

If you have any ideas for what you would like me to write about feel free to send me a message. I'm always looking for new ideas.

Let's begin

I'll start with misogyny first since it is more prevalent on GAG and in real life than misandry.


Misogyny - an extreme dislike of females, frequently based upon unhappy experience or upbringing

I specifically chose this definition over all the others since it is the most accurate.

I'll start with upbringing since it is the easiest.

This refers to men being told that they are better than women. Whether it is physically, mentally or both.

Misogynists and Misandrists why they exist and my response to them

Misogynists and Misandrists: Why they exist and my response to them

According to Psychology Today "Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. The greater muscle mass of men is the result of testosterone-induced muscular hypertrophy. Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments."

Now if this was the only type of misogyny I wouldn't mind. I've seen it my whole life, the battle of the sexes who is better with men always shown on top due to biological advantages.

However there is another category of misogynists and these annoy the crap out of me.

This category of misogynists hates women because of bad experiences, or because they don't like the advantages women get in society. They see women as these evil beings that deny men sex as if they are entitled to it. To them I say this:

When all women ask for is a guy that is more than just a dick.

Most of these misogynistic men claim that women exhaust their finances and expect to be treated like princesses when in the end they aren't guaranteed sex.

To this my response is simple:

Go Dutch, more women these days are open to it. Personally I don't believe a person should pay for someone else unless it's a kind gesture for someone you know well.

Misogynists and Misandrists: Why they exist and my response to them

As for treating a person with respect and not as a sex object, well maybe these guys should get a hooker since they get exactly what they want for their money. You don't have to be a girl's bitch to get her to like you, that is an unhealthy relationship. Grow a pair of balls and be your own person then they will pay attention to you and like you. But most importantly, you don't date a girl only for sex, you date her because you are genuinely interested in who she is as a person while being physically attracted to her.

They go on by saying that they are victims of female oppression and how many false rape claims there are and that domestic violence against men often gets unreported and so on.

Misogynists and Misandrists: Why they exist and my response to them

Yes there are issues that exist when it comes to men's rights and that is exactly what Men's Rights Activists (MRAs) are trying to solve. They focus on child custody, divorce settlements, domestic violence, prison sentencing, reproductive rights and many others. There are misogynistic members in the organization but it doesn't mean that it is a misogynistic organization. On the contrary the whole purpose of the organization is to make sure that men and women are legally equal. That and that men wouldn't have to act stoic.

These men who resort to citing inequalities between men and women don't do anything to fix it and merely complain. To them I say please f*ck off.


Misandry - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men

Misandry is a lot less common but I've begun to see it more and more on GAG.

But first I'll tell you a story of the first misandrist I've ever met.

About 6 years ago I went to summer school because my parents unlike most who would send their kid to summer camp, figured it would be a good way for me to stay on top of my game in Math and English even though I had already passed the courses. There I met a girl that changed my view of women forever. For the life of me I can't remember her name. I don't think I ever knew it, because everyone just called her Godzilla. Probably because she was obese and always angry at men.

Misogynists and Misandrists: Why they exist and my response to them

She claimed that all men were evil and that they would only use a woman and then dispose of her when they lost interest. She also told me she hated men so much that when she was crossing the street and so a random guy, she smacked him across the face. According to her: "all men are potential cheaters, liars and thieves and that given the opportunity any man would take it". For some reason she really hated me. On one occasion when I was just joking around with a friend she slapped me across the face. During English class when we were watching the movie Freedom Writers (I had to look up the name, I didn't remember it) she would always try and get closer to me in order to hit me. Since I couldn't hit her back since she was twice my size if not larger and telling the teacher wouldn't do anything I had to move away from her. About 3 years later when I told a friend of mine this story, he told me that she most likely hated me because I reminded her of her ex and that she just has issues with men because of a bad break up.

The same seems to apply to a lot of misandrists especially those on GAG. The belief that all men are bad just because of one or more bad experiences.

But maybe, just maybe.

Misogynists and Misandrists: Why they exist and my response to them

You're the one that chooses who you date and who you sleep with. So start making better choices. How about that shy guy that's been staring at you. Go talk to him. He will most likely be a better boyfriend than the douchebags you've been with in the past.

Thanks for reading myTake :)

Have a nice day.

Misogynists and Misandrists: Why they exist and my response to them
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