Louis Farrakhan is Back at it Again!

Louis Farrakhan is Back at it Again!

If you don't know who Louis Farrakhan is consider yourself lucky.

Here is a little bit of his background.

Louis Farrakhan is a leader of the Nation of Islam, a civil rights activists, and a minister.

He is known primarily for his racist and out of this world comments.

Here are a few of his quotes.

The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man.

That is not even all of it.

The die is set, and Malcolm shall not escape, especially after such evil foolish talk about his benefactor, Elijah Muhammad. Such a man as Malcolm is worthy of death.

Murder and lying comes easy for white people.

If you don't fall asleep through his lectures you'll see he says things like this all the time!

It's unbelievable that he has so many followers.

People actually agree with him!

What I wanted to talk about is a lecture he did recently.

Where he discussed the who Blasey thing.

Here is the lecture! It will make it easier to understand what I'm talking about.

Now this isn't the full lecture.

It's just the video I found that goes straight to what I'm talking about.

So he talks about Christine Blasey's alleged claims.

Louis Farrakhan is Back at it Again!

The thing that bothered me so much is.

He talks about Kavanaugh like he's guilty.

Let me remind you again these claims are alleged.

She could be lying for all we know.

He talk about how what Kavanaugh did was unforgivable and how it was inexcusable.

We don't even know if he did anything.

He also had the nerve to bring up R. Kelly.

Who was actually charged and is guilty.

Louis Farrakhan is Back at it Again!

He talked about how he should seek "forgiveness" and whatever from "god".

It sounds to me like he still supports R. Kelly a child predator.

He is being dragged in the media again!

He called the Jews termites in a tweet.

He tweeted and these are his words.

I quote "I'm not an anti-semite. I'm anti-Termite."

This isn't the first awful thing he's said about Jews.

He also called them stupid.

He is not a good man.

He clearly has some type of mental illness and should not be taken seriously.

He needs to seek help.

I don't understand how people actually follow this man he's crazy!

Let me know what you think about this down below!

Before I get hate on the Blasey thing let me just say I believe neither of them.

I believe both are innocent unless proven guilty.

Thanks for reading!

Love a very conservative, Angieee <3

Louis Farrakhan is Back at it Again!
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