Good looking guys who are always single (not by choice)...

Good looking guys who hardly have girlfriends and are always single.

What's the benefits of this? I'm not talking about the immature benefits like sleeping with any girl, or getting multiple girls. What do you girls think of guys like this?

So far, I've been this great outgoing guy with a great personality, great looks, talents etc. but I've been single for longer than I'd like to be. I just want to enjoy life as it is right now but I have these strong feelings of wanting a girlfriend. It's hard being a hansom guy with great personalities and think that none of these girls are seeing it. I guess that is a little selfish but I'm just putting my honest feelings out here.

Would you say that a guy like me needs to just quit worrying and just live life and enjoy it? Focusing on yourself (career, job, talents, activities, and passions) are things that would help me get back into my self confidence and forget about thinking a girlfriend would make me happier?

Thanks for your answers.

Good looking guys who are always single (not by choice)...
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