Why do black people give me dirty looks?

All I'm doing is walking down the street minding my own business and BAM I make eye contact with them (usually a female) and they're looking at me as if I did something wrong to them and giving me side eye. Plus they're not even discrete while doing it, I'd catch them and expect them to look away but they just continue staring.
So it's mostly just the females, old and young. But I don't know why? I dress normally, I don't see myself as attractive, and I'm not even that confident to begin with so this just makes me even more self-concious. To the point where I mostly just look down while I'm walking to avoid stares from anyone...

I need help... Why does this happen to me? Do you go through the same thing? Whyyy?

P. S I'm black, if that helps lol

Why do black people give me dirty looks?
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Why do black people give me dirty looks?
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