Which is worse- being burned alive or frozen to death?

So, I know that this is an odd question, but the other day I was watching the movie Saw (don't remember which one, the 5th or 6th?) and I realize it's a terrible movie, however, in this movie one guy dies by being burned alive (he gets locked in a furnace with no way out) and a girl dies by freezing to death (she was completely naked in a freezing cold room with cold water spraying on her every couple minutes). Now, they're both HORRIBLE ways to die, but it got me thinking...which one is worse? Being burned alive might be faster, but it also seems like it would be way more painful. However, since being frozen to death would take a while, would that be just as painful? Regardless of which one is worse, it just got me thinking, if you were one of the people in the Saw movies and you either died from being burned alive or frozen to death, which one would you choose? And I realize there are a ton more ways that people died in the movie, but I'm just going to ask about these two ways.

I think I would rather freeze to death rather than being burned alive because I think being burned alive is worse. Of course this is just my opinion.
Burned alive
Frozen to death
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Which is worse- being burned alive or frozen to death?
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