Do any of you all read? What are you reading now & why?

•”A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide To The 21st Century” by Heather Heying & Bret Weinstein, two evolutionary biologists that talk about the novelty and uniqueness of today’s world and how to develop the thinking tools to better face and confront the issues of today. Their main stress is that many things can be talked about and looked from an evolutionary/adaptive perspective, which they think, the lack thereof, in today’s society and has potentially caused so much tension, tribalism, etc.

It has recently become a New York Times Bestseller

•All of the Jesse Ventura books: Jesse Ventura was Minnesota’s only governor that ran and won as an independent. He was a professional wrestler, movie star, and Navy SEAL/UDT. Jesse Ventura has frequently had talks in public where he criticizes the US government and politics. Specifically, he points out the faults and disingenuous intentions of the government, talking about conspiracies, hidden/controversial documents, the chaos of the two parties in politics, etc.

•”Making Sense” by Sam Harris is a book that sums up many episodes of Sam’s podcast “Making sense.” Very popular conversations with scientists, professors, researchers, politicians, military men, etc. Sam Harris is a philosopher, NY Times best-selling author, and neuroscientist. In a time of so much confusion, it is nice to see someone that is fair, makes sense, and is logical. Whenever I think of the most reasonable person in the public sphere today, I think of Sam Harris. He talks so eloquently and delivers in a way that everyone can understand and if one is reasoning then they will agree with his points.

•”Becoming A Marine Officer.” I bought this as a little helpful guide to the organizational structure of the Marine Corps, ranks, some history, etc. Just an extra edge to help me
on this path of becoming an officer in the Marine Corps.
Do any of you all read? What are you reading now & why?
Do any of you all read? What are you reading now & why?
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