Does he like me or iS he just one of those guys?

I've known this guy for quite sometime. With the following please give your opinion:

He has a lot of female friends. No girlfriend. Outgoing. Not homosexual.

He watches me.

He'll stare at me. Doesn't care who sees him.

Smiles off into space when our paths cross. Unless we're like 2ft in front of each other then he'll speak. Sometimes I see him wanting to say something but thinks it over and doesn't.

Only speaks if our paths inevitably cross.

Starts the conversations. Which are questions he knows the answer to or dead end.

Has touched my upper back twice.

Has starred at my butt knowing that I saw him.

Will smile when talking but fails to make eye contact. Always looks past,behind or around like he's talking to me but not.

Doesn't ask personal questions.

Sometimes I feel like he likes me because how much he goes out of his way for my attention. Then other times not so much. Like he'll give off this vibe like he's mad at me until somehow we cross paths again and then he's back to normal. Besides being weird and hard to follow what do you think?

Does he like me or iS he just one of those guys?
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