The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

We all get dumped at one time or another. But there's a right way and a wrong way and as much as I love the ladies, I have to say, you girls somehow manage to find the WORST ways to ditch a guy. At the same time, guys have been doing terrible things to girls for eons, so maybe the females are just trying to catch up. ;)

Anyway, here are 7 ways girls and guys should NOT dump each other.

7. Getting a friend to relay the message

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

This is more for people still in school, obviously. I remember it happening to me; when I was a junior in high school, a friend of this girl I was dating showed up at my locker and told me it was over. I was all confused. "Over with who? You? I'm not even dating you." Then she said Crystal (her friend, the one I WAS dating) was breaking up with me. I looked around, all confused. "Well, where is she? I don't see her."

6. Going dark

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

I'm saying BOTH girls and guys need to knock this off. This is basically when the person who wants to end a relationship drops off the face of the earth. Doesn't work as well when they two people are living together, obviously, but it's becoming more common among not-so-serious couples these days. Which is weird, because it has never been harder to totally hide from humanity as it is right now, at this point in human history. But they manage. They really DO disappear.

Both genders need to stop.

5. The flip-out

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

I don't know why some people do this and frankly, I'm not sure what's scarier: When a girl loses her shit or when a guy flies off the handle. Obviously, a guy is often more dangerous just for biological strength reasons but when girls go absolutely crazy, it's downright terrifying. They tap into some primal gene that only unlocks when a trigger flips in their heads, and when that happens, just get the hell out of the way. But it's just a really bad way to end things. I know you're mad but girls, guys, losing your mind is only going to leave a sour taste in both people's mouths forever.

4. "It's not you, it's me."

Oh, shut UP. I think the guys popularized this one back in the '90s but now girls are using it all the time, too. Yes, every once in a great while, this excuse really IS true. I've said it when it was true; I was at a point in my life when dating was just a seriously bad idea, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the girl. But 99% of the time, it's bullshit. It's all about trying to let someone down easy but it never works because everyone is onto the game. Just admit it: "I don't really like you. Sorry. It's you."

3. The "evil bitch" or "horrid bastard" transformation

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

Some people figure they'll put on a terrible act and get the OTHER person to break up with THEM. Girls turn into a witch overnight and guys become insensitive, disgusting louts in the blink of an eye. The strange thing is the partner never seems to figure it out...what, they're suddenly bipolar or Dissociative Identity Disorder popped up out of nowhere? Of course they're doing it to tick you off; they want YOU to end things and when you do, they're all happy and they don't have to feel they hurt anybody. But of course they did.

2. The text message

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

DON'T YOU DARE! The world of texting has created a world of COWARDS. Nobody can look anybody in the eyes anymore, and they certainly can't deal with tough situations in a face-to-face capacity. I get that we're all socially stunted and I don't care. Don't break up with me via text. At least have the gumption to call but better yet, do it like a human being and tell me in person. I hear guys are starting to break up with girls via text more now, too, and it's equally wrong. Cowards, all of you.

1. Cheating

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)

Well, duh. There's nothing worse than someone saying to themselves, "well, this relationship isn't working out so I'll just go sleep with someone else, and that'll end things." You've got this backwards: You end the relationship first. I suppose there are those rare combustible instances when you don't realize you're gonna cheat until it happens (the sexual chemistry is so intense), but let's face it: If you've cheated, you've done it because you're basically ready to leave your current relationship. So leave it already. THEN go do what you want.

The 7 Worst Ways a Girl Can Dump a Guy (And Vice Versa)
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