Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

We're living in a culture where we always blame women. We pit women against women. For instance, when a woman finds their husband/boyfriend with someone they go after the women. Why? She didn't cheat on you, he did. She could have not even know about you, people lie all the time.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

If women ever want to report assault they get asked what we are you wearing? Why were you there? Why didn't you stop it? Why are they getting blamed? They didn't assault themselves. Their clothes have nothing to do with it, they could be wearing a maxi dress. If the person wants to assault them they're going to regardless. What does it matter why they were there they could be at a party enjoying themselves that doesn't give anyone the right to do anything.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Similar to domestic abuse. People are so quick to blame the women. The women made him into a monster. She made him crazy. He would never do that. Sure, because she threw herself down the stairs. No one deserves to be abused whether they are male or female.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Another one is dating. People always want to call out women for being "promiscuous". They're called sluts and whores but no men are ever mentioned. You can slut shame and it's okay because they're women. You sleep with anyone and you're automatically a slut. You want to experiment with your sexuality you're a whore.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

When a man stands up for himself or someone else he's applauded. He's the man he's the best blah blah blah. When a woman does it she's told she needs to relax or asked if she's a lesbian if it's for another girl.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Women can't get certain jobs in certain fields because they're too "inferior" to men. How would you know if you never gave them a chance? But what does not being able to perform a job have to do with being female? If you can't perform a job that's an individual problem. However, we have to blame the woman because she's always to be blamed.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!
Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Another thing is why are women not able to do things because they're too emotional? Sorry, my feelings bother you. I'm sure men have feelings and are happy and sad sometimes. Or are men just robots that just magically do everything perfectly?

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Why do men feel the need to tell women things about themselves? How would you know about my period? I didn't know you bleed one a month maybe we should sync up and be blood buddies. Why thank you, sir, for I would have never known about periods because I apparently don't get them and am too inferior that I need you to tell me about my own body. Oh, what would we do without misogynist men? *eye roll* And women for that matter because sadly some women still believe that we're stuck in 1920's.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Why are every woman blamed for one women's actions or something they say. Just because one one believes something doesn't mean they all do. When a man says something it's just them when it's a woman all women believe it. I don't think that's how that actually works.

Why do women blame each other? Especially for their low self-esteem. Saying you don't like your body because it doesn't look like someone on Instagram isn't their fault. It's your fault you have low self-esteem, learn to love yourself. It may take some time but when you do it's so worth it.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Why when a girl takes a bikini photo and she's a whore or a slut. Why is clothing associated with what you do in your private life? There is no correlation. You could wear the shortest dress and have never done anything with anyone. Clothing has nothing to do with your self-worth or what you do its just clothing.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

Another thing is the dress code at school. I can't wear a tank top because of the 100-degree weather outside because of its distracting to boys. How are my shoulders distracting? Do they have a shoulder fetish? However, it's okay that he has a shirt with a girl with little clothing on but that's not distracting. Wow! Can you not see his shirt? Oh, wait I forgot he's male so he can do anything and there will be excuses made. Lovely. Sadly, I'm not surprised. It's always the woman to be blamed. Didn't know that his education was more important than mine and I have to miss class to change. If a boy doesn't follow the dress code he's told not to do it again but I am forced with no slap on the wrist.

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!
Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!

I know I didn't cover everything so if you have ever witnessed something like this feel free to tell me about it. Also feel free to tell me what you think about it? Do you feel the same way? If not, why?

#itsalwaysthewomen #blamethewomen #sexistsociety

Blame the Woman, ALWAYS!
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