Career VS. Relationship: which is more important to you?

Assuming you have neither a successful/money-vomiting career nor a significant other, which is your main priority?

Does it follow Maslow's hierarchy where you focus on having a stable, fulfilling career first? Or do you settle for a meaningless job to date and find your future s.o.?

Please say your age, current status (single, married, etc.), and current job/profession along with your answer, if you don't mind : )

If curious in my reasoning behind this question, read on:

As a recent college grad in limbo, I find myself overly preoccupied with my future. Will I get accepted to grad school and study for 2 more years? Or will I land that awesome job I applied for and jump start my career? At this point, I can't imagine being in a relationship, let alone dating. I want to be settled in my life before thinking about a significant other. Selfish? Probably, but it has me wondering if other people feel the same. Also, is it more of a "guy thing" to want to be settled in a successful career first? The whole "I need to be able to provide for my future family" idea?

End vent session.
Career before relationship
Relationship before career
Other (in comments)
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+1 y
For all of you answering, can you update with your current relationship and job status, along with age? That would sway answers, I would imagine. As for me: 23, single, and in limbo between career and grad school (i.e., part-time employment)
Career VS. Relationship: which is more important to you?
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