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You have to look at this situation from her angle. What was the reason for her to break up with you? Was it a toxic relationship? Did she catch you cheating or did she cheat on you? Were you just not compatible from a personality or character point of view?
There are so many reasons why people sever a relationship. If you want a relationship to work, then you (and her) have to be ready to make concessions. Only by finding a consensus can you achieve harmony.
When you find the answer to the reason of the separation, then you have to work on fixing that reason for it not to happen again. If cheating was involved, then you don't want to get together again. Ever.
Act like you've already moved on. Act like there's nothing she can say that impresses you anymore
Ask her about her feelings, try to see her pov. If she clears her side to you and you u still see a solution, then try to talk to her about it. Don't force her but try to see her side and also show your feelings. Hope you'll have a good ending!
If it didn't work the first time, what makes you think this time will be any different?
It's not gonna work