If he really liked me wouldn't he cancel his plans?

I really like this guy and I thought that he liked me back, but I don't know now. Since school is out for the summer we're not gonna see each other because of the distance. But I'm planning on going into his area on Monday for job interviews and stuff and I asked him if he wanted to hang out since I'd be there that one day. He said maybe, because he has to help his cousin with something that day, but he'd let me know. All my girlfriends have told me stories about their relationships and whenever a guy was really interested in them, he would cancel his plans to be with her. So can he possibly be interested in me if he won't cancel his plans? And would a guy be willing to wait for a girl that he likes-- like waiting until September? Is he just trying to break things off from now so he can be free to have a summer fling? Please give me some advice. Thanks!

P. S. One little thing more: wouldn't a guy always pay on the first "date"? Even if the girl invites him, wouldn't he pay? He didn't :(
If he really liked me wouldn't he cancel his plans?
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