Girls, does it make you feel special when you manage to get a guy who's desired by lots of other women?


You know those guys who seem quite popular with women and girls just fawn over him. And yet you manage to be the one to get him. Does this have any bearing on how you feel about him? That you managed to get a guy desired by a lot of women?

here's a study that basically confirms this:

Study: Women find men who are desired by other women to be more desirable

The study of 245 female college students suggests that women use the presence of a romantic partner to infer that a man possesses unobservable, positive traits.

The female participants found men more desirable when they were shown with an attractive partner compared to when the men were shown alone. Men shown with an attractive partner tended to be viewed as more intelligent, trustworthy, humorous, wealthy, romantic, goal driven, adventurous, generous, and attentive to the needs of others.

Girls, does it make you feel special when you manage to get a guy whos desired by lots of other women?
Yes It makes me feel special
Makes me feel like i got someone truly special
Him being highly desired By other women has no effect on how i feel about him
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Girls, does it make you feel special when you manage to get a guy who's desired by lots of other women?
6 Opinion