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+1 y

Beauty standards and INCELs, a second look!

Here's why no one really cares about incels. They aren't willing to put into work and actually better themselves. They can complain all they want, but nothing comes to people who aren't... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Five Reasons For Why You Should Love Your Body

You can love your body all you want, but it won't change facts of life. Would you "love" your melanoma? You might love being obese and eating, but your odds of heart disease, cancer,... How Do I Look?

+1 y

Why I'm an Ally

I'm not an ally because I'm not cruel. I don't support people engaging in lifestyles that gives them HIV and syphilis and incredibly high rates of domestic violence. It seems as kind as being... Other

+1 y

30 rights that men and American women take for granted that are still privileges for many girls

If abortion is fine, then aborting baby girls might be stupid, but it's hardly a crime or immoral. Specifically aborting baby girls is only immoral if abortion is immoral. Society & Politics

+1 y

Jewish Views on Abortion

This is a pretty relevant take considering the leadership of both USA political parties put Israel as a higher priority than the American people. Society & Politics

+1 y

Toxic masculinity and patriarchy: How the society dehumanizes men and turns them violent towards women!

Great, another woman trying to ladysplain to men what we think masculinity is and what she think's we're supposed to be like. Society & Politics

+1 y

Female standards too high, the inevitable fallout.

They should just import new Japanese. After all, it would be racist to believe that there's some specific japanese people biologically speaking. Dating

+1 y

Islamic Jihad Versus Christian Crusades: There Is No Moral Comparison

islam is one of the greatest threats to Western Civilization and the future of mankind that we presently face. Trending & News

+1 y

Has any president been quite like Trump?

Reagan was a failure and destructive to this country. 1. Legalized no fault divorce, which has utterly cratered marriage rates by making marriage literally less than a scrap of paper. 2.... Society & Politics

+1 y

How stereotyping and socially acceptable prejudice negatively affects the Asian male

Who cares? Asians have China, Japan, Thailand, etc, and they will be colonizing Africa soon. If we're stupid enough to let them, China will buy most of the USA as well. Society & Politics

+1 y

Did he make America Great Again, or have we lost our so-called greatness?

It's simple really. We're at a point in the nation where you can build a culture around being proud of male anal sex, being HIV positive, march in the streets mostly naked with giant dildos, and... Society & Politics

+1 y

Setting a good example. Begins within, and a good moral compass is a start

Actually that old guy was not a Vietnam Vet. He was served as a refrigeration mechanic, was never deployed to Vietnam, and went AWOL several times. He also has a criminal record that includes... Society & Politics

+1 y

Dear pro-lifers: Unwanted pregnancies aren't just the woman's fault

Men certainly have responsibilities for pregnancies. That's why we violate laws against debtor prisons just to send men to prison for not paying child support. Here's the thing though. Women... Society & Politics

+1 y

Preference for Interracial Dating/Relationships!!!

"1. We hate our own race" From what I've seen it's very typical that white girls who date black have severe daddy issues. For example, ny own sister, her relationship with our dad completely... Relationships

+1 y

Why I dated 'bad guys'

Amen. We need more posts telling nice guys what trash they are. Relationships

+1 y

What I Conclude From Jeff Bezos's Divorce

Jeff Bezos. The richest man on the planet decides to cheat without a prenup AAANNNND he picks a 49 year old woman. The guy could have had an 18 year old version of Megan Fox or Kate Upton, and... Relationships

+1 y

The 6 Personalities of Men: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Sigma

I think it needs a little more detail. Not to mention, most people label Omegas as being pathetic losers, while you seem to have assigned that label to Betas. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

How The Obesity Epidemic And Fat Acceptance Is Adversely Affecting Dating

Damn straight. Dating is SO much tougher when half or more of women are fatties. Girls, just imagine dating if half of the men on dating apps... Dating

+1 y

Equal Pay Is Bad Even For Women. Why This Must Not Be Part Of Public Policy.

I totally agree with equal pay. That means a TON of women will be getting pay cuts. Society & Politics

+1 y

Some People Need to Brush up on the Necessity and Definition of Feminism

Another post of "Guys I know feminists today are evil but according to the dictionary definition that's not REAL feminism!" Just. Give. Up. Feminism is a toxic word. It's beyond salvage. It's... Society & Politics

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