How to deal with family when you hate interactions?


I'll admit I'm not social at all, and I don't even consider myself to be a family person. I'm incredibly introverted, and by this I mean that work is enough social interaction for me. After work, I just want to be alone 100%. From the exterior, I am probably an asshole, but I really can't find a reason to try to force myself to be more social.

On the other hand, my family is all about family. Seeing each other on weekly basis and sending out cards/texts frequently. The entire time I lived with my parents and years after that I did everything to make my family happy. I would text my grandparents every month or so, call my mom weekly, spend a week my aunt every summer, do all the holidays, etc. But, I can't help it anymore. I hate all of this. It's so fake on my end because if I could choose to do so, I would do a limited of everything. I can tell that I'm now burnt out because every little thing irritates me: my parents stopping by at work unanounced, my parents telling me to text other people more, having to spend my birthday with my family, and even thinking about holidays. Everything feels like a social obligation that I just can't stand anymore. Thoughts?

How to deal with family when you hate interactions?
1 Opinion