Are you still “friends” with an ex or someone you’ve hooked up with?


Or have you ever wanted to do a friend? Some significant others have been a bit paranoid about their partners friendships with the opposite sex. In all honesty, did they have reason to worry? Did you used to be friends with benefits/bang buds? I have never dated someone I friendzoned because I was truly not into them like that. But yea my friend guys wanted to screw me. They knew I’d pop em where the sun don’t shine if they even tried to touch me. Can you honestly admit right here right now to having banged or having wanted to bang your “friends” (mostly of the opposite sex, but I guess same if you’re into that)? And have/would you ever admit that to a significant other? Or only if they asked? Or do you take it to the grave?#FeelFreeToList

10 mo
I commend those of you who have genuine platonic friendships with your exes/ex hookups. I dont agree with it but yea, I could freakin never 🤣 We would 100% still be getting eachother off. So you have a right to worry. I end things on a bad note for a reason 😂 I dont want to be tempted to jump the mfs bones. Anyways, I’d never physically cheat. And honestly i asked this question in hopes someone specific answers. I just HAVE to see their response
Are you still “friends” with an ex or someone you’ve hooked up with?
80 Opinion