I think flirting in general has gotten a bad rap. I mean it can be fun and good natured, or it can be seen as lacking in respect.
It can be healthy for you, or it can be unhealthy for you. What is the difference between good and bad flirts?
I think flirting in general has gotten a bad rap. I mean it can be fun and good natured, or it can be seen as lacking in respect.
It can be healthy for you, or it can be unhealthy for you. What is the difference between good and bad flirts?
**Bad Flirting:**
1. Inappropriate sexual comments or innuendoes: Focuses solely on physicality and can be uncomfortable or offensive.
2. Degrading remarks or put-downs: Belittles the other person and fosters negativity.
3. Comparisons to others: Makes the other person feel inferior and undermines their individuality.
4. Rude or offensive jokes: Humor should be inclusive and not at someone else's expense.
5. Ignoring social cues: Disregarding someone's signals of discomfort or disinterest shows a lack of respect.
6. Flirting in inappropriate settings: Certain environments, like the workplace, call for professional boundaries.
7. Non-stop talking without listening: Creates a one-sided dynamic and shows little interest in getting to know the other person.
8. Unwanted physical contact: Respect personal space and boundaries. Consent is crucial.
9. Misrepresenting relationship status: Dishonesty about commitment undermines trust and sets a poor foundation.
**Good Flirting:**
1. Actively listening and showing genuine interest: Makes the other person feel valued and heard.
2. Being mindful of the time and place: Adjust your approach to suit the setting.
3. Using respectful and thoughtful humor: Makes the other person laugh and feel comfortable.
4. Offering sincere compliments that go beyond the physical: Shows appreciation for their personality and values.
5. Acting with courtesy and chivalry: Demonstrates respect and good manners.
6. Asking open-ended questions to spark conversation: Creates opportunities for mutual engagement.
7. Explicitly stating your single status: Avoids confusion and promotes honest intentions.
8. Directly asking for a date instead of beating around the bush: Shows confidence and clarity.
9. Be yourself and let your personality shine through: Interacts with kindness and politeness.
Thank you for the MHO. Thank you for this question, too I would like to share this to my followers and translate into my language.
Have a nice day.
Good flirting, to me, is reading social queues, recognizing the signals you're sending him and how he receives them, the signals he sends back, knowing how to play in on those signals.
Bad flirting is not knowing what signal you're sending him, not knowing where he is at emotionally to receive them. Not sending the right signals. Mixed signals. Being too pushy. Being too distant. Lying. Changing yourself for him which is always bad.
Oh I agree. One day she's all smiling and joking, next day she's all distant and sheltered. Then comes back a day or two later like life is grand, like she wasn't cold at all.
That's not flirty that feels like emotional manipulation. Dude goes from feeling good about it, to not good, to basically confused... and then over time mistrusting and suspicious.
Something I’ve had to learn about flirting is the ping pong nature of it. It can be fun when you flirt and someone flirts back; even in a harmless fashion. But when you ping and they don’t pong back.. that’s the line to not cross. It can become harassment or worse.
What makes you “a creep” vs. “cute funny” about 90% comes down to if the other person finds you attractive or not.
It’s not fair but it’s how it is.
So true... in this world where if you tell a woman she looks nice in that dress is considered u wanted attention.
I mean a few weeks ago I wore a green sweater. She says to me, your eyes look amazing when wear that color.
I mean in what world can a man walk into an office and say that to woman without risking unwanted attention?
Now since I am a man, I did not take it as flirting, more like a sincere compliment... but yeah I was offended. Because no man could pull that off and not have it be creepy.
I thinkl flirting is bad when people are using hackneyed, trite, pedestrian, worn-out lines memorized from some source in their past. I think flirting is meaningful when it is spontaneous, humorous, and done with unfailing respect for the partner in flirtation.
When the other person leaves with a good impression of your personality and enjoyed it, the flirting was good
Good makes you both laugh. It comes naturally out of knowing each other.
Bad tends to feel forced and it's from what you want to get, not what you're offering to give. There's a big difference.
Good flirting can be corny/cheesy humour that makes someone groan, but it's drawn from what you're offering not what you're demanding.
There is a Chinese saying that if the woman likes you, it is called flirting. If the woman doesn't like you, it is called harassment, even molest.
In the simplest personal experience ways: if she's not giving off anything herself at all, then I know for sure, I'm not gonna try anything and or I'm gonna stop trying anything if it's clearly not reciprocated. Especially if there's a lot of nervous unwelcomed smiles laughs yet we all know they're really thinking "why is this lower/creep/ugly talking to me" you know. Ah well. Takes experience to learn experience lol 😂😆 cya 😜
I can't think of anything better than ping pong lol, but I think one thing is the type of flirting, you can have verbal and physical. Verbal is generally okay anywhere but if someone disengages then you stop, but physical for the most part I believe should be reserved for dating or almost there.
If a good looking, charming man flirts... good flirting.
If any man she isn't interested in whatsoever flirts then it is creepy and ick and he is harassing her.
I would say good flirting is spontaneous. It doesn't have do be words which sound like quotes from romantic films, but neither plain and simple. There is much ambiguity when it comes to flirting. Its definition is pretty much subjective. When I was an undergrad, I had a female friend who had a boyfriend and I knew it was out of the question. However, we had so much natural chemistry that our friends thought we were flirting.
Wouldn't be able to tell you. I can't flirt for my life. I can hold a conversation relatively well though.
Good flirting doesn't take effort. Bad flirting screams a lot of effort.
Flirting is usually just a coy way of seeing how much you both want to fuck. I guess that is not quite right if they or you already have a partner. Some will engage in it as some sort of lowest denominator attention seeking... that's kinda lame if you think about it.
Just like anything... it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. People in a relationship already should really think about how disrespectful it is to their partner.
I think good flirting is healthy and it can make another person's day but in the case of bad flirting a bad flirting can ruin a day or a life of an individual it can be traumatic
Bad flirting to me is when someone looks at me too hard with a lustful face. I get the impression the person only wants me for "something else"
It's the difference between ringing the dinner bell and the alarm bell.
Basically think of yourself being told that flirt by someone else, if it makes you feel uncomfortable it's bad. Good flirting usually requires understanding body language and understanding subtext to things said.
But yes, “flirting” can be plutonic.
Good flirting gets you laid. Bad flirting gets you arrested.
Good flirting = the person wants the advance
Bad flirting = they don't like you , they think you are too old or too young.
Then they say " How sleazzy and inappropriate was that " , that's what it comes down to - sadly
Well, the one kind which lands you in jail, and the other which lands you with a girlfriend could be a fair enough categorization.
Flirting is good only if the woman finds you attractive. No flirting can be good if she finds you unattractive.
Flirting that makes one look cheap is unattractive.
Flirting aggressively is bad.
Flirting among taken or married people is bad.
if it's inappropriate or offensive to a group or generally on video, it's bad.
if it's humorous and makes one stand out, and you'd be ok watching on video with family, it's fine.
well an example of bad flirting is seeing some random woman online and sending her a dick pic. another being meeting someone out in public and commenting something such as "hey baby, nice tits. can i play with them?".
Bad flirting is just when he either offend or go overboard with the other person. It's kind of like trying to say a joke, but no one gets it.
omg the comments on this topic are so complex. Forget all of this and be yourself.
Good flirting is when you're attractive. Bad flirting is when you're not.
Beauty is subjective. Thankfully.
good flirting gets her attention but like those pictures bad flirting just annoys. he needs to notice her reaction and say have a nice day
Good flirting is good, bad flirting is bad
Good flitting builds you up while bad puts you down
Cheesy, predictable chat-up lines are bad flirting.
If she sees you as attractive, it is "good flirting". If you are not attractive, it is "bad flirting".
Good flirting gets you laid….
taking it too far, or getting in someone's face with it
Good flirting works and gets you the desired result; bad flirting does not. LOL
Being respectful versus being vulgar, rude
It can be good if it is done with proper sensitivity.
one is good, the other isn’t
Dating or running for cover
How wet her panties get
Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
The recipient either likes it or they don't.
How handsome/pretty the person is.
Good flirting is positive and funny.
I dont know
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