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myTakes: Flirting

HOW to Ask Your Crush for Their Number or WHEN to Contact Your Crush 🙌

Most of us start off shy and tend to braven up as the years go by. Im going to share some tips on when I feel its best to MAKE A MOVE. A. HOW TO ASK: The initial meeting could happen ANYWHERE If its at school/work/church...

Signs a Shy Girl is Crushing on You But Too Shy to Tell You.

Shy girls… You love them but you are just dying to know if that beautiful eye candy feels the same way about you! Well let me help you break down the signs a shy bella is into you... 1. She is all smiles every time she...

When a Woman Makes the First Move...

Is it a turn on? Turn off? Desperate? One thirsty female? Can't get a man? Too aggressive? No matter what the answer to that, I don't really care. If I have my eye on a man and I feel some mutual vibes coming from him but...

No, You’re Never ‘Too Hot’ to Get Approached

‘Being too hot to be approached’ is a bullshit concept and this is coming out of a 10 of out 10 guy. I have seen so many questions and answers on GAG that keep claiming that being ‘too hot’ makes a person more...

No, Girls Do Not Like Jerks/A**holes

Let me say this for all of the nice guys out there who are thinking about becoming one of the coveted sexy jerks- being an asshole does not work as advertised. Not if you're actually an asshole, anyways. Examples; Girl...

Put Yourself in the Shoes of an Unattractive Man

As Valentine's day approaches, I thought it would be a good idea to create this mytake on something both men and women are oblivious to, the life of an unattractive man. I want you to put yourself in the shoes of an...

Short Story: My Meeting With a Mysterious Pink Anon Girl

Somewhere on the street.. I had just finished a long day at work. We need to design a new sensor before the deadline next week and the client is breathing down our necks. I really need a drink right now... My coworker...

Leading Someone On

Sending mixed signals is leading someone on . When you make them feel interested even though you aren't ready for a relationship. Or you could make it all that worse with you already being in a relationship. Leading...

Is He Flirting or Just Being Nice?

Sometimes, guys can be hard to read. But just sometimes. They are usually easy to read compared to girls. No offense. So how do you tell the difference if he is flirting or just being nice? 1. Being touchy When guys like...

Nick Sparks: My Favorite Dating Coach

I am a big fan of Nick Sparks' talks. He breaks things down for us men who want to better approach, hold a conversation, and bring sexual tension to women without being scummy, creepy, or employ any kind of tricks. He is...

Playing 'Hard to Get' Fails

Recently I've become more acutely aware of a game we teenagers and young adults tend to play that we call "hard to get." To me it's always seemed dumb, but something clicked with me the other day when I watched a good...

How to Meet New Women - As Suggested by a Woman.

Use the charm-lure method. Observe. Be selective. Be charming. Be sincere. Keep moving. Walk away. Give space. Smile. The key is charm. You might not have it. The truth is: you do or you don't. You can't really learn it....

Why I Don't Approach Women

Before I start I feel a bit of context is necessary: I'm born and raised Californian, having spent a period of my time living in Washington and New Mexico before moving back to California before I was 13. At 19 I enlisted...

How To Tell When A Girl Fancies You!

When it comes to recognizing the cornucopia of courtship signals that a lady uses to show a chap that she fancies him, a man is about as clever as a savage at a kabuki drama. Women, who have a worldly understanding of...

Stop Using Introversion or Shyness as an Excuse!

Just stop. Everybody is shy to a degree. Lots of people are introverts. Think about how and why you use it as an excuse. How: That typical situation. You like that person you regularly see or it's just that person at the...

Let's Talk about Seduction

You know the twinge, the hair raising, anxiety laden magic, the kind you get you get when you're under someone's spell. The knowing your being lured and nevertheless going. The throbbing heart, the subtle shortness of...

You CHOSE the Friendzone!

I'm seeing all these posts lately about whether or not the "friendzone" is real, or how to get out, and how to avoid it entirely, and it's actually really freaking simple to get out: LEAVE. If you hang around after...

Starting A Conversation & Talking To A Guy You Like!

Get his attention. It looks hard for girls to communicate with the opposite sex. Especially when you want to take the first step. We all think that guys should take the first step. But we miss lots of opportunities by...

How to Tell if You Genuinely Love Someone!

You may even not know that you like that person at first. But these signs will be more clear as you hook yourself on someone. You will want to talk to that person like crazy. You will want that person to write you. Even a...

How to Get Girls You Think You Can't

Getting girls isn't really a difficult thing, people talk about leagues and status, and beauty, but attraction is complicated, and it has a mind of it's own, it doesn't matter if the girl is more beautiful or whatever, if...