Guys, do you ask a woman her weight if she asks for your height?

I always see girls on Tinder with bios saying stuff like "if you're under 6ft, don't even bother", and when you're talking to them, many ask you your height.
So do you ask their weight, or would you ask how much they weigh, if they ask how tall you are?

Guys, do you ask a woman her weight if she asks for your height?

I always ask their weight
I only ask if they ask my height
I haven't asked, but will do in the future
I don't need to ask, I like them heavy
I wouldn't ask even if they ask my height
I'm a girl and I ask guys about their height
I'm a girl and I never ask guys about their height
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Guys, do you ask a woman her weight if she asks for your height?
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