Is it inappropriate for my husband to be snap chatting his female work colleague everyday?

He’s never mentioned her to me but her name constantly pops up on his phone for Snapchat notifications and there is a pink heart emoji so I think it means they’re each other’s best friends on SC.
If he spoke about her openly I don’t think it would bother me but this feels secretive
Yes it’s too much
No it’s normal
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Spoke with him tonight and he was baffled I was concerned about anything as they were just average chit chat usually after a snap she had sent to everyone on her list. He only uses Snapchat for a few people mainly me but we’ve been home together for the last 2 so I’ve dropped as a higher friend (the pink heart).
He completely saw it from my perspective once I explained how I was seeing certain things that made me uncomfortable and will keep communication with her more open instead of Snapchat
Is it inappropriate for my husband to be snap chatting his female work colleague everyday?
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