What do you think about his behavior?

My boyfriend withholds saying I love you when he is mad at me, holds grudges for unreasonable lengths of time even if he is the one at fault he will blame me and then ignore me so he has been very dry with me. He texted me dryly saying "good morning" then I did not hear from him for hours (when he typically will text me all day even while he is working) so I texted him saying "you didn't even ask how my day is going all you said is good morning" and then I did not hear from him until late in the evening so I called him, and asked why he did not call or text me. At first, he said "I'm working" then he followed up with "I saw what you texted me and it pissed me off so I decided to not talk to you" and I asked him what exactly it was because while my text could be passive aggressive, I honestly was just trying to address being treated with contempt and was not aware I had texted him something that would cause him to delve the silent treatment out to me and he got a rude tone in his voice and said "you know what you said, stop playing games" this angered me so I said "no, you're playing fucking games by not communicating with me and telling me what I said that was so wrong" and he promptly hung up and blocked me on everything then later (like ten hours later) called me to say it was because I disrespected him by cussing at him, well, didn't he disrespect me by accusing me of playing games? Isn't what HE did considered playing games (the hanging up and blocking me, saying I'm playing games rather than just communicate he insisted that I must know what I did wrong) then he later told me that I was not being direct and that is why my text angered him. How much more direct could it get? Am I missing something? I literally told him hey you didn't text me or anything or ask how my day is going like I don't know how much more direct I could be...

What do you think about his behavior?
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