Fastest way to build muscle?

For strength not for size or anything.

Thing is, I recently dislocated my knee. Again. First was playing field hockey, second playing soccer, third I just slipped and now I did it while surfing.
Thing is I really love surfing and I'm tired of not being able to do fun things. So I know I'm done for this year and that no matter what I do I may get it dislocated again.

But it seems like the best to prevent it is to have really really strong quads and legs in general.
I am athletic, I've played a lot of competitive sports but I never cared for specifically building muscle. So what's the fastest way to do that?
Do I work them everyday? Every other day?
10 reps? More than that? less than that?

I hope to be back out there again in spring with really strong legs

And if anyone has any non standard exercises for your legs, I'd love to hear them
Fastest way to build muscle?
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