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1 y

Do you think becomming a stripper, working at a strip joint, is a viable place to find a boyfriend?

I wouldn't date a stripper even if she were otherwise my perfect woman. Not in a million years would I even consider dating a stripper. I've also never been to a strip-club, and hope I'm able to... Dating

1 y

Would you wait for a guy you loved if he wasn’t ready to commit or walk away?

I'm sorry to have to say this, but... you need to walk away. I think you already know that deep down. But I understand it's hard to accept. But if he isn't willing to even give you any vague... Relationships

1 y

Can I ignore someone until they go away?

Oh, yes. Ignore him completely. This is a no-brainer. This dude is acting in a highly inappropriate way. You don't have to give a fuck about his feelings at this point. Not at this point. YOU have... Relationships

1 y

Are my problems only my problems my partner has nothing to do with it?

I agree with you on this. I think his reaction was totally inapropriate. I think a relationship does rely on communication. Your partner is supposed to be there for you when you're stressed and... Relationships

1 y

As a woman, can you determine how attractive you are by the type of man you attract?

Oh my god no! That's really not at all the way to look at it. If you find that you seem to overwhelmingly attract some specific type of undesirable guy... then maybe that's something to look at.... Dating

1 y

If you're in a relationship and a man doesn't know if it's valentines or women day. Is it okay if I'm sad about it?

Yes, it is absolutely fair for you to be sad about this. I think most any girl would be. At least valentines day and your birthday. Not-so-much the women's day (it's just not as big of a couple's... Relationships

1 y

Guys, what do you think if your girlfriend who routinely texts you good morning, how's your day, etc. suddenly stops texting you these things?

Oh I would think it was sweet. It wouldn't come off as needy, but it would certainly make clear that I was top-of-mind for you. At the same time... I would hate someone to feel like they were... Relationships

1 y

I proposed to my boyfriend of years & he shuts off his phone. Did I make a mistake - we'd been talking of a future, etc. - together?

Holy shit! My jaw just almost hit the floor. I'm going to say..."something crazy happened to explain this". I sure hope so anyway. Because there is no excuse in the world for him shutting off... Relationships

1 y

Am I picky and controlling if these are my required and preferred traits in a guy?

I think this all sounds perfectly realistic. Both your required and preferred traits. You forgot to put that as an option in the survey. (Unless your premise is that both can't be fine, since you... Dating

1 y

Guys, how many girls approached you in your life?

Not all that many. In my whole life... shit... maybe...15? Dating

1 y

Does asking a guy if he has a girlfriend reveal my interest in him, or are guys even too slow to catch on to that?

Yes. That will very clearly reveal your interest. Guys actually will get this. Flirting

1 y

Are players who just like casual relationships really all that bad?

No problem at all, as long as they don't deceive anybody. It's the deception to get the casual sex that's a problem. Not wanting nothing but casual sex. A player who doesn't lie. Nobody should... Dating

1 y

I Avoid all Social Interactions IRL. What The Hell's Wrong With Me?

It sounds like you might (probably do) just suffer from anxiety. Social anxiety is actually quite common. But if it's even moderately severe it can be seriously debilitating to your life. That... Relationships

1 y

Can I flirt by asking a guy for help, or is asking for help something that only strengthens relationships after being with a guy for a while?

It's not that men are flattered to be asked for help from a woman. That's just not the reaction. But it's a great way to move things forward on a practical level. You will have a chance to talk... Flirting

1 y

How fast do girls get over relationships?

I can answer this very confidently. I can tell you exactly what's happening here. It's very clear BECAUSE you made this as detailed as you did. There is no doubt that she likes you.... Relationships

1 y

When you “like” someone, is there point too soon where you’d be put off, frustrated, or anxious, if they asked you out on a date (are you NT or ND)?

This is one of the best GAG question I've ever seen. This is something I have to tell people all the freaking time on here. "Don't worry about acting over-eager with somebody who likes you. There... Dating

1 y

Is comfortable silence in a relationship good or bad?

If the silences are comfortable, then that's usually a good sign. If you're both happy with things, then that's all that matters. But... it sounds like you do need to break your silence to talk... Relationships

1 y

How many of you have the following values?

hahaha, no way. I think anyone who holds that opinion (including you if you happen to be one) are ridiculous snobs. To me, if you believe that, you're a shitty person with shitty values about who... Relationships

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